Get the Buggy Models for a given Buggy Brand ID. This provides a limited result array and is intended to support searching/identification of a buggy e.g. perhaps for use in a Drop Down List. For more detailed buggy responses, use Get Buggy Models.
The Brand ID should match a value returned from the getBuggyBrands call.
Optionally you can specify the sort order that the buggy models should be returned in and also whether to include the variants of a given buggy model. You could also make use of the getVariants call to subsequently return a list of model variants if needed.
Sorts the order that Buggy Models are returned in (buggy_model_name). Use ASC for Ascending or DESC for Descending. If excluded, will default to ASC.
Specify whether to return all Buggy Model variants e.g. return the black, red, green, yellow models instead of just returning the one model. Useful if you want to do price comparisons of all versions available, but generally speaking omitting this is all that would be needed. Use 1 to include, use 0 to exclude.
Specify where to return single occupancy buggy's only (0), double buggy's only (1) or all types (2).
Specify whether to use standard folded measurements or whether to use the smallest possible measurements (e.g remove wheels or handles). Note - if the manufacturer hasn't advised of removable components, the standard measurements will be used. Use 1 to use the smallest buggy dimensions, use 0 to use standard.
Specify whether to return models where My Buggy My Car has found UK retailers currently selling each model. Use pricesto only show models that have a price. Use all to return all models regardless of availability. Note, this option is available regardless of whether your subscription plan offers pricing information.
var xhr =newXMLHttpRequest();xhr.withCredentials =true;xhr.addEventListener("readystatechange",function() {if(this.readyState ===4) {console.log(this.responseText); }});"GET","<BRANDID>&sort=<SORT>&double=<DOUBLE>&shrink=<SHRINK>variants=<VARIANTS>&available=<AVAILABLE>");xhr.setRequestHeader("Authorization","Basic YOUR_BASE64_KEY");xhr.send();
Make sure to replace <BRANDID> with a valid Brand ID and YOUR_BASE64_KEY with your API key.
The above command returns JSON structured like this:
{"account": {"subscriber":"YOUR_SUBSCRIPTON_KEY","name":"YOUR_NAME","subscription_active":"1","subscription_plan_name":"Executive","subscription_renewal_date":"15-01-2021","no_api_calls_allowed":2000,"no_api_calls_used":"227" },"response": {"code":"200","code_description":"Ok","message":"Query successful" },"search": {"search_type":"Return Buggy Models List","brand_id":"2","brand_name":"Baby Jogger","show_buggy_variants":"No","buggy_occupancy":"All Buggy's","buggy_dimensions":"Standard measurements","buggy_availablity":"With Prices" },"results": [ {"buggy_model_id":"xxxxxxx","brand_name":"Baby Jogger","buggy_model_name":"City Elite","buggy_variant_name":"Red","buggy_variant_colour":"Red","buggy_model_isdouble":"No","buggy_folded_dimensions":"85.00 x 67.50 x 35.50" }, {"buggy_model_id":"xxxxxxx","brand_name":"Baby Jogger","buggy_model_name":"City Elite 2","buggy_variant_name":"Black","buggy_variant_colour":"Black","buggy_model_isdouble":"No","buggy_folded_dimensions":"85.00 x 67.50 x 35.50" }, {"buggy_model_id":"xxxxxxx","brand_name":"Baby Jogger","buggy_model_name":"City Mini","buggy_variant_name":"Crimson","buggy_variant_colour":"Red","buggy_model_isdouble":"No","buggy_folded_dimensions":"85.00 x 67.50 x 35.50" }, {"buggy_model_id":"xxxxxxx","brand_name":"Baby Jogger","buggy_model_name":"City Mini 2","buggy_variant_name":"Jet","buggy_variant_colour":"Black","buggy_model_isdouble":"No","buggy_folded_dimensions":"85.00 x 67.50 x 35.50" }, {"buggy_model_id":"xxxxxxx","brand_name":"Baby Jogger","buggy_model_name":"City Mini 2 4 Wheel","buggy_variant_name":"Jet","buggy_variant_colour":"Black","buggy_model_isdouble":"No","buggy_folded_dimensions":"85.00 x 67.50 x 35.50" } ]}
Get Buggy Models
Get the Buggy Models for a given Buggy Brand ID. This provides the same results as the Get Buggy Models List query above, but this returns more detailed information (including image links) for each buggy.
The Brand ID should match a value returned from the getBuggyBrands call.
Optionally you can specify the sort order that the buggy models should be returned in and also whether to include the variants of a given buggy model. You could also make use of the getVariants call to subsequently return a list of model variants if needed.
Sorts the order that Buggy Models are returned in (buggy_model_name). Use ASC for Ascending or DESC for Descending. If excluded, will default to ASC.
Specify whether to return all Buggy Model variants e.g. return the black, red, green, yellow models instead of just returning the one model. Useful if you want to do price comparisons of all versions available, but generally speaking omitting this is all that would be needed. Use 1 to include, use 0 to exclude.
Specify where to return single occupancy buggy's only (0), double buggy's only (1) or all types (2).
Specify whether to use standard folded measurements or whether to use the smallest possible measurements (e.g remove wheels or handles). Note - if the manufacturer hasn't advised of removable components, the standard measurements will be used. Use 1 to use the smallest buggy dimensions, use 0 to use standard.
Specify whether to return models where My Buggy My Car has found UK retailers currently selling each model. Use pricesto only show models that have a price. Use all to return all models regardless of availability. Note, this option is available regardless of whether your subscription plan offers pricing information.
Sorts the order that Buggy Models are returned in (buggy_model_name). Use ASC for Ascending or DESC for Descending. If excluded, will default to ASC.
Specify whether to return models where My Buggy My Car has found UK retailers currently selling each model. Use pricesto only show models that have a price. Use all to return all models regardless of availability. Note, this option is available regardless of whether your subscription plan offers pricing information.
var xhr =newXMLHttpRequest();xhr.withCredentials =true;xhr.addEventListener("readystatechange",function() {if(this.readyState ===4) {console.log(this.responseText); }});"GET","<BUGGYID>&sort=<SORT>&available=<AVAILABLE>");xhr.setRequestHeader("Authorization","Basic YOUR_BASE64_KEY");xhr.send();
Make sure to replace <BUGGYID> with a valid Buggy Model ID and YOUR_BASE64_KEY with your API key.
The above command returns JSON structured like this:
{"account": {"subscriber":"YOUR_SUBSCRIPTON_KEY","name":"YOUR_NAME","subscription_active":"1","subscription_plan_name":"Executive","subscription_renewal_date":"15-01-2021","no_api_calls_allowed":2000,"no_api_calls_used":"230" },"response": {"code":"200","code_description":"Ok","message":"Query successful" },"search": {"type":"Return Buggy Model Variants","brand_id":"35","brand_name":"Phil and Teds","buggy_model_id":"556","buggy_availability":"All" },"results": [ {"brand_id":"35","brand_name":"Phil and Teds","buggy_model_id":"554","buggy_model_name":"mod","buggy_variant_name":"Abstract","buggy_variant_colour":"Green","buggy_model_isdouble":"No","buggy_weight_kg":"12.00","buggy_max_weight_kg":"20.00","buggy_suitability":"Birth to 4 Years","buggy_folded_dimensions":"71.00 x 57.00 x 32.00","folded_length":"71.00","folded_depth":"57.00","folded_height":"32.00","images": {"buggy_image_url":"","buggy_thumbnail":"" } }, {"brand_id":"35","brand_name":"Phil and Teds","buggy_model_id":"557","buggy_model_name":"mod","buggy_variant_name":"Capri","buggy_variant_colour":"Green","buggy_model_isdouble":"No","buggy_weight_kg":"12.00","buggy_max_weight_kg":"20.00","buggy_suitability":"Birth to 4 Years","buggy_folded_dimensions":"71.00 x 57.00 x 32.00","folded_length":"71.00","folded_depth":"57.00","folded_height":"32.00","images": {"buggy_image_url":"","buggy_thumbnail":"" } }, {"brand_id":"35","brand_name":"Phil and Teds","buggy_model_id":"555","buggy_model_name":"mod","buggy_variant_name":"Noir","buggy_variant_colour":"Black","buggy_model_isdouble":"No","buggy_weight_kg":"12.00","buggy_max_weight_kg":"20.00","buggy_suitability":"Birth to 4 Years","buggy_folded_dimensions":"71.00 x 57.00 x 32.00","folded_length":"71.00","folded_depth":"57.00","folded_height":"32.00","images": {"buggy_image_url":"","buggy_thumbnail":"" } } ]}
Search for Buggies By Car
Returns a list of Buggy Models that will fit into the specified Car ID or Car Registration Number (VRM)
The returned json includes confirmation of the car that was searched for.
Note, the carid must be identified using the Car ID Lookup searches. Alternatively, you could use the vrm parameter which will perform this lookup.
An alternative to the carid parameter. A valid UK registered car Vehicle Registration Mark (Car Registration Number).
Specify the sort order to return. You can specify one or both of brand or model e.g brandASC,modelDESC or in the singular modelASC (or any combination of these).
Specify whether to return all Buggy Model variants e.g. return the black, red, green, yellow models instead of just returning the one model. Useful if you want to do price comparisons of all versions available, but generally speaking omitting this is all that would be needed. Use 1 to include, use 0 to exclude.
Specify whether to use standard folded measurements or whether to use the smallest possible measurements (e.g remove wheels or handles). Note - if the manufacturer hasn't advised of removable components, the standard measurements will be used. Use 1 to use the smallest buggy dimensions, use 0 to use standard.
Specify where to return single occupancy buggy's only (0), double buggy's only (1) or all types (2).
Specify whether to return models where My Buggy My Car has found UK retailers currently selling each model. Use pricesto only show models that have a price. Use all to return all models regardless of availability. Note, this option is available regardless of whether your subscription plan offers pricing information.
Counts against quota: Yes (if the car is measured)
curl--location--requestGET'<VRM>brand=<OPTIONAL>&variants=<OPTIONAL>&double=<OPTIONAL>&shrink=<OPTIONAL>&space=<OPTIONAL>&sort=<OPTIONAL>&available=<OPTIONAL>' \--header 'Authorization: Basic YOUR_BASE64KEY'# alternatively replace vrm=<VRM> with carid=<CARID> to search by Car ID Number
<?phprequire_once'HTTP/Request2.php';$request =newHTTP_Request2();$request->setUrl('<VRM>brand=<OPTIONAL>&variants=<OPTIONAL>&double=<OPTIONAL>&shrink=<OPTIONAL>&space=<OPTIONAL>&sort=<OPTIONAL>&available=<OPTIONAL>');// alternatively replace vrm=<VRM> with carid=<CARID> to search by Car ID Number$request->setMethod(HTTP_Request2::METHOD_GET);$request->setConfig(array('follow_redirects'=>TRUE));$request->setHeader(array('Authorization'=>'Basic YOUR_BASE64_KEY'));try { $response = $request->send();if ($response->getStatus()==200) {echo $response->getBody(); }else {echo'Unexpected HTTP status: '. $response->getStatus().' '. $response->getReasonPhrase(); }}catch(HTTP_Request2_Exception $e) {echo'Error: '. $e->getMessage();}
import http.clientconn = http.client.HTTPSConnection("")payload =''headers ={'Authorization':'Basic YOUR_BASE64_KEY'}conn.request("GET", "/api/search.php?s=searchbycar&vrm=<VRM>brand=<OPTIONAL>&variants=<OPTIONAL>&double=<OPTIONAL>&shrink=<OPTIONAL>&space=<OPTIONAL>&sort=<OPTIONAL>&available=<OPTIONAL>", payload, headers)res = conn.getresponse()data ="utf-8"))# alternatively replace vrm=<VRM> with carid=<CARID> to search by Car ID Number
var xhr =newXMLHttpRequest();xhr.withCredentials =true;xhr.addEventListener("readystatechange",function() {if(this.readyState ===4) {console.log(this.responseText); }});"GET","<VRM>brand=<OPTIONAL>&variants=<OPTIONAL>&double=<OPTIONAL>&shrink=<OPTIONAL>&space=<OPTIONAL>&sort=<OPTIONAL>&available=<OPTIONAL>");xhr.setRequestHeader("Authorization","Basic YOUR_BASE64_KEY");xhr.send();// alternatively replace vrm=<VRM> with carid=<CARID> to search by Car ID Number
[VRM] can be replaced with a valid [CARID] that can be obtained by using the Car ID Lookup queries. Note, if both are supplied, vrm will be taken in preference. YOUR_BASE64_KEY needs to be replaced with your API key.
The above command returns JSON structured like this:
{"account": {"subscriber":"YOUR_SUBSCRIPTON_KEY","name":"YOUR NAME","subscription_active":"1","subscription_plan_name":"Executive","subscription_renewal_date":"15-01-2021","no_api_calls_allowed":2000,"no_api_calls_used":"209" },"response": {"code":"200","code_description":"Ok","message":"Query successful" },"search": {"car_searched": {"carID":"2","vrm":"","manufacturer":"ABARTH","model":"500","body_type":"Hatchback","detailed_model_name":"1.4 16V T-Jet 140 3dr Auto","years":"2012 - 2015","boot_measurement_available":"Yes","lower_boot_measurements_available":"No","third_row_measurements_available":"No","measurements_requested":"boot" },"buggy_searched": {"buggy_brand_filter":"Baby Jogger","show_buggy_variants":"Yes","buggy_occupancy":"All Buggy's","buggy_dimensions":"Standard measurements","buggy_availability":"All" } },"results": [ {"brand_id":"2","brand_name":"Baby Jogger","buggy_model_id":"16","buggy_model_name":"Summit X3","buggy_variant_name":"Black/Grey","buggy_variant_colour":"Black","buggy_model_isdouble":"No","buggy_weight_kg":"12.70","buggy_max_weight_kg":"0.00","buggy_suitability":"","buggy_folded_dimensions":"85.00 x 67.50 x 35.50","folded_length":"85.00","folded_depth":"67.50","folded_height":"35.50","images": {"buggy_image_url":"","buggy_thumbnail":"" } }, {"brand_id":"2","brand_name":"Baby Jogger","buggy_model_id":"685","buggy_model_name":"City Tour LUX","buggy_variant_name":"Granite","buggy_variant_colour":"Grey","buggy_model_isdouble":"No","buggy_weight_kg":"9.00","buggy_max_weight_kg":"0.00","buggy_suitability":"","buggy_folded_dimensions":"67.50 x 53.50 x 22.00","folded_length":"67.50","folded_depth":"53.50","folded_height":"22.00","images": {"buggy_image_url":"","buggy_thumbnail":"" } }, {"brand_id":"2","brand_name":"Baby Jogger","buggy_model_id":"5053","buggy_model_name":"City Tour 2 Double ","buggy_variant_name":"Jet","buggy_variant_colour":"Black","buggy_model_isdouble":"Yes","buggy_weight_kg":"10.50","buggy_max_weight_kg":"0.00","buggy_suitability":"From Birth","buggy_folded_dimensions":"66.50 x 63.00 x 25.00","folded_length":"66.50","folded_depth":"63.00","folded_height":"25.00","images": {"buggy_image_url":"","buggy_thumbnail":"" } } ]}
Will A Buggy Fit in a Car Boot?
Compares the specified car and buggy to determine if the buggy will fit into the boot of the car.
The returned json includes confirmation of both the car and the buggy that was specified in the request.
The results array will detail a simple Yes/No response to "will the buggy fit". It also details 4 positions that the buggy might or might not fit.
In the event the results array returns "N/A", this likely indicates that the necessary boot measurements have not been collected yet. Check the boot_measurement_available value from the search array. A "Yes" confirms that this car can be used to use the buggy comparison APIs
Note, the carid must be identified using the Car ID Lookup searches. Alternatively, you could use the vrm parameter which will perform this lookup.
Note: buggyid can be substituted by buggy brand, model and variant
URL Parameters
Yes (or VRM)
Yes (or carid)
An alternative to the carid parameter. A valid UK registered car Vehicle Registration Mark (Car Registration Number).
Yes (alternate)
Yes (with brand)
Yes (with brand)
Select which boot measurements to use. You can use the getCar query to determine which measurements are available. Where possible, the API will substitute if measurements are unavailable. This will be advised in the response->message and results->error_messageOptions:boot - core boot measurements from boot floor to parcel shelf/top of rear seats
lower - use the are below the boot floor. Where this measurement is used, the boot floor is removable. Please note that the width and depth of the lower area are used which frequently give a smaller usable area despite the height increasing.
ceiling - uses the core boot measurements but assumes the parcel-shelf is removed and the space up the boot ceiling is usable.
max_height - combines the height of the lower boot and ceiling. As with the lower measurement, the width and depth of the lower area are also used which frequently gives a smaller usable area despite the height increase.
seats_flat - assumes the rear seats are folded flat
3rdboot - if a 3rd row of seats are available, this value specifies to use the space behind the 3rd row to the height of the seats / parcel-shelf.
3rdceiling - as with 3rd boot but extends to the height of the ceiling behind the 3rd row of seats.
Specify whether to use standard folded measurements or whether to use the smallest possible measurements (e.g remove wheels or handles). Note - if the manufacturer hasn't advised of removable components, the standard measurements will be used. Use 1 to use smallest buggy dimensions, use 0 to use standard.
Counts against quota: Yes (if car is measured)
curl--location--requestGET'<CARID>&buggyid=<BUGGYID>&shrink=<OPTIONAL>&space=<OPTIONAL>' \--header 'Authorization: Basic YOUR_BASE64_KEY'# alternatively replace carid=<CARID> with vrm=<VRM> to search by Car Registration Number
<?phprequire_once'HTTP/Request2.php';$request =newHTTP_Request2();$request->setUrl('<CARID>&buggyid=<BUGGYID>&shrink=<OPTIONAL>&space=<OPTIONAL>');// alternatively replace carid=<CARID> with vrm=<VRM> to search by Car Registration Number$request->setMethod(HTTP_Request2::METHOD_GET);$request->setConfig(array('follow_redirects'=>TRUE));$request->setHeader(array('Authorization'=>'Basic YOUR_BASE64_KEY'));try { $response = $request->send();if ($response->getStatus()==200) {echo $response->getBody(); }else {echo'Unexpected HTTP status: '. $response->getStatus().' '. $response->getReasonPhrase(); }}catch(HTTP_Request2_Exception $e) {echo'Error: '. $e->getMessage();}
var xhr =newXMLHttpRequest();xhr.withCredentials =true;xhr.addEventListener("readystatechange",function() {if(this.readyState ===4) {console.log(this.responseText); }});"GET","<CARID>&buggyid=<BUGGYID>&shrink=<OPTIONAL>&space=<OPTIONAL>");xhr.setRequestHeader("Authorization","Basic YOUR_BASE64_KEY");xhr.send();// alternatively replace carid=<CARID> with vrm=<VRM> to search by Car Registration Number
[VRM] can be replaced with a valid [CARID] that can be obtained by using the Car ID Lookup queries. Note, if both are supplied, vrm will be taken in preference. YOUR_BASE64_KEY needs to be replaced with your API key.
The above command returns JSON structured like this:
{"account": {"subscriber":"YOUR_SUBSCRIPTON_KEY","name":"YOUR NAME","subscription_active":"1","subscription_plan_name":"Executive","subscription_renewal_date":"15-01-2021","no_api_calls_allowed":2000,"no_api_calls_used":"209" },"response": {"code":"200","code_description":"Ok","message":"Query successful" },"search": {"car_searched": {"carID":"","vrm":"XXXXXX","manufacturer":"BMW","model":"X3","body_type":"Station Wagon","detailed_model_name":"xDrive30d M Sport Auto","years":"2018 - 2018","boot_measurement_available":"Yes","lower_boot_measurements_available":"No","third_row_measurements_available":"No","measurements_requested":"ceiling" },"buggy_searched": {"brand_id":"6","brand_name":"Britax","buggy_model_id":"38","buggy_model_name":"B-Agile 3","buggy_variant_name":"Cosmic Black","buggy_folded_dimensions":"71.00 x 58.00 x 30.00","buggy_dimensions":"Standard measurements","buggy_availability":"With Prices","images": {"buggy_image_url":"","buggy_thumbnail":"" } } },"results": [ {"willItFit":"Yes","fitLayingDownLR":"Yes","fitLayingDownFB":"Yes","fitLayingDownOnSide":"Yes","fitLayingDownOnEnd":"Yes","error_message":"The search was successful" } ]}
Will A Buggy Fit In A Space?
This call might be helpful if you want to see whether a buggy will fit into space in your home (a cupboard under the stairs for example), or if you want to check if your buggy is allowed as carry-on when travelling on a plane.
The call compares the folded dimensions of the specified buggy to the dimensions you specify, to determine if the buggy will fit into that space.
The returned json includes confirmation of both the buggy and the dimensions that were specified in the request.
The results array will detail a simple Yes/No response to "will the buggy fit". It also details 4 positions that the buggy might or might not fit.
Specify whether to use standard folded measurements or whether to use the smallest possible measurements (e.g remove wheels or handles). Note - if the manufacturer hasn't advised of removable components, the standard measurements will be used. Use 1 to use the smallest buggy dimensions, use 0 to use standard.
Specify the width in cm of the space you want the buggy to fit in to
Specify the height in cm of the space you want the buggy to fit in to
Specify the depth in cm of the space you want the buggy to fit in to
var xhr =newXMLHttpRequest();xhr.withCredentials =true;xhr.addEventListener("readystatechange",function() {if(this.readyState ===4) {console.log(this.responseText); }});"GET","<BUGGYID>&shrink=<SHRINK>&width=<WIDTH>&height=<HEIGHT>&depth=<DEPTH>");xhr.setRequestHeader("Authorization","Basic YOUR_BASE64_KEY");xhr.send();
Make sure to replace <WIDTH>, <HEIGHT> and <DEPTH> with a positive value in cm, BUGGYID with a valid Buggy Model ID and YOUR_BASE64_KEY with your API key.
The above command returns JSON structured like this:
{"account": {"subscriber":"YOUR_SUBSCRIPTON_KEY","name":"YOUR_NAME","subscription_active":"1","subscription_plan_name":"Executive","subscription_renewal_date":"15-01-2021","no_api_calls_allowed":2000,"no_api_calls_used":"232" },"response": {"code":"200","code_description":"Ok","message":"Query successful" },"search": {"buggy_searched": {"brand_id":"35","brand_name":"Phil and Teds","buggy_model_id":"557","buggy_model_name":"mod","buggy_variant_name":"Capri","buggy_folded_dimensions":"71.00 x 57.00 x 32.00","buggy_dimensions":"Standard measurements","buggy_availability":"With Prices","images": {"buggy_image_url":"","buggy_thumbnail":"" } },"dimensions_checked": {"width":"100","height":"100","depth":"50" } },"results": [ {"willItFit":"Yes","fitLayingDownLR":"No","fitLayingDownFB":"No","fitLayingDownOnSide":"Yes","fitLayingDownOnEnd":"Yes","error_message":"The comparison was successful" } ]}
A valid Buggy Brand ID. Use to identify a valid ID
A valid Buggy Brand ID. Use to identify a valid ID
A valid Buggy Model ID. Use to identify a valid ID. Alternatively, specify brand name and model name
URL encoded brand name as defined in
URL encoded model name as defined in or
A valid carid. The carid corresponds to a car id that can be identified using the searches. Alternatively, use the vrm parameter
Select which boot measurements to use. You can use the query to determine which measurements are available. Where possible, the API will substitute if measurements are unavailable. This will be advised in the response->message and results->error_messageOptions:boot - core boot measurements from boot floor to parcel shelf/top of rear seats
lower - use the are below the boot floor. Where this measurement is used, the boot floor is removable. Please note that the width and depth of the lower area are used which frequently give a smaller usable area despite the height increasing.
ceiling - uses the core boot measurements but assumes the parcel-shelf is removed and the space up the boot ceiling is usable.
max_height - combines the height of the lower boot and ceiling. As with the lower measurement, the width and depth of the lower area are also used which frequently gives a smaller usable area despite the height increase.
seats_flat - assumes the rear seats are folded flat
3rdboot - if a 3rd row of seats is available, this value specifies to use the space behind the 3rd row to the height of the seats / parcel-shelf.
3rdceiling - as with 3rd boot but extends to the height of the ceiling behind the 3rd row of seats.
The name of a buggy brand. If specified, the query will only return results for this brand. A list of buggy brands can be obtained from
A valid carid. The carid corresponds to a car id that can be identified using the searches. Alternatively, use the vrm parameter
A valid Buggy Model ID. Use to identify a valid buggy ID
URL encoded brand name as defined in
URL encoded model name as defined in or
URL encoded variant name as defined in either or or
A valid Buggy Model ID. Use to identify a valid ID
URL encoded brand name as defined in
URL encoded model name as defined in or
URL encoded variant name as defined in either or or